Poppins Sale

by Edward Barber & Jay Osgerby

There are many umbrella stands but the archetype is designed for traditional long umbrellas with a hooked handles. Our intention was to create a three dimensional graphic piece that worked perfectly for both long and compact umbrellas. The triangular shape was chosen as it fits well in any position in a room, including a corner, and it lets them tessellate beautifully. A simple series of holes enables furled or unfurled umbrellas of any size to be popped in without a problem. Poppins feels at the same time both serious and playful, the glossy plastic emphasizes its water proof qualities, but the form reminds us of a game; Billiards or perhaps Snooker triangle.

* See PDF for photo of product

Price: $149.00 Retail, $90.00 Sale
Please inquire for additional discounts or trade pricing


Glossy red ABS




12.99" x 11.81"

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Poppins Sale